Friday, August 17, 2012

PTIM0nK's Philosophy/Thoughts/Dreams (July2012)

I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times.

Anything we focus on we create. So if we r really angry,strife or suffering, we r adding our energy to it. We r pushing ourselves, n tt only create resistance. What u resist persists...

Energy flows where attention goes..think truly n e thots shall e world's famine feed..

When e voice n e vision on e inside become more profound,clear, n louder than e opinions on e outside, one have mastered his life...

E essence of this law is tt u must think see feel believe abundance. Let no thot of limitation enter ur mind.

Wad u resist u attract.bcos u r powerfully focused on it with change anything, go within n emit a new signal with ur thots n feelings.  

Most people speak without listening. Very few listen without talking. It is very rare to find someone who knows how to talk and listen.
To live is to speak and to express yourself you must create. The creation is never mere repetition. To live means to express themselves freely in the creation.

When you stop playing it safe, your spirit is free to grow, expand and create. Individual, family and social “rules” don’t apply.

It takes guts to be different; to stand out from the crowd; to break free from the “clone drone” society and be a true individual.

When others criticize you for doing something “different” it’s usually because they’re scared. Inside, they’re secretly stoked that you’re breaking free. They’re just frustrated with themselves for lacking the courage to do the same. Be their inspiration!

My 3rd eye: I enjoy anticipating each human thoughts way before he even start thinking about it.

"It's not the daily increase but daily decrease. Hack away at the unessential"

I can say most are just "passing time" and they themselves might not even know it...still the same old person.
If you're not GROWING you're DYING! 
Simplify and use all tt is useful,take from anywhere u can find,realise its effectiveness,review n improvise and repeat cycle.
Objective for life HBMSP: to be rich in the heart,body,mind,soul n pocket. Notice that all 5 links to the richness of the mind...
The world is changing very fast...there will be so much more complex issues in the future as human like to complicate things but things shall lose control in the end due to its complexity and lack of wisdom from the down-line.

“It takes money to make money” is something people without it say to make themselves feel safe and secure in their inaction. Then they don’t have to leave the comfort zone and really go out there and get it.

 Rich people use creative financing. They get all the money they need while poor folks look for financing the way everybody else does—loans, etc.—and seldom get a penny, or only after exhaustive, frustrating searches.
“The ''Inside-Out'' approach to personal and interpersonal effectiveness means to start first with self; even more fundamentally, to start with the most inside part of self / with your paradigms, your character, and your motives. The inside-out approach says that private victories precede public victories, that making and keeping promises to ourselves recedes making and keeping promises to others. It says it is futile to put personality ahead of character, to try to improve relationships with others before improving ourselves.”
- Stephen R. Covey
Learn anything everything with all your feeling, senses with strong emotions.
The distance traveled away from e center point of ur comfort zone determines e level of ur stress u r currently at.
 If you are insecure, guess what? The rest of the world is too. Do not overestimate the competition and underestimate yourself. You are better than you think.
When u close ur eyes and u see many colors literally..u will know how strong is ur visualization power...just like e colors in ur dreams...
(Notes:  ‎" To know oneself is to study oneself in action with another person." -BruceLee
...u can do this and see urself better either in visualisation/ dreams
In "real-time" dreams.. u can plan ur speech and interact with others and just like in reality..u can predict the type replies to counter react so smooth and fast that e other cannot catch u from ur gesture/expression that u pre-plan everything.)
Behaving/acting in a way so natural that creates absolutely no guard/doubt in front of others is as good as "it has become part of you" in others' eye. You can be anything and creates constant changes so fast that no one actually catches it unless by a more powerful 3rd party observer in analyzing mode.

ive been here often in my seek inner dreams are as great as reality..
Your BRAIN is the best MEMORY CARD;
Your EYES are the best CAMERA;
Your MOUTH is the most powerful SPEAKER;
Your EARS is the best EARPHONE;
Your HEART is the best MOUSE;
Ive come back to enjoy my eat everything that i have deprived myself of since 1940...

A placebo is a simulated or otherwise medically ineffectual treatment for a disease or other medical condition intended to deceive the recipient. Sometimes patients given a placebo treatment will have a perceived or actual improvement in a medical condition, a phenomenon commonly called the placebo effect.

In the opposite effect, a patient who disbelieves in a treatment may experience a worsening

of symptoms. This effect, now called by analogy nocebo and can be measured in the same way as the placebo effect, e.g., when members of a control group receiving an inert substance report a worsening of symptoms. The recipients of the inert substance may nullify the placebo effect intended by simply having a negative attitude towards the effectiveness of the substance prescribed, which often leads to a nocebo effect, which is not caused by the substance, but due to other factors, such as the patient's mentality towards his or her ability to get well, or even purely coincidental worsening of symptoms.

When my eyes is open im gathering important information, when my eyes is close im doing research all over the world.
Mastering ur emotion control in any situation is crucial in finding ur inner peace.

Only with absolute inner peace u can gain even more exp and insights with visualization compared to reality..and u shall master the state of fearlessness due to ur understanding to all matters in this universe...u shall find all answers to life.  
When one is blinded by 1 thing..he lost the "sight" to many common example is $ and it is happening to many businessman..and likely unable to appreciate other forms of art.

A strong system=foundation shall determine how far things will all aspect..since its suppose to make things more n more easy to manage n gain access to with modern days technology..resulting better productivity and efficiency.
No system is perfect when the world is changing in a faster rate...therefore "system injection" comes into place.

The chosen student whom enter the door must be willing to stay throughout with an open mind...
You can teach a student a lesson for a day; but if you can teach him to learn by creating curiosity, he will continue the learning process as long as he lives.
~Clay P. Bedford

  i am sure most of the human outside speak by "hear hear say say"

There is "what is" only when there are no more respect and live with what it means to be in peace.
Just as steel is hardened in the fire, if you can remain true to your values while others around you are full of doubt and even condemnation, you'll grow faster and stronger...
-T.Harv Eker

"Learn from the past, set vivid, detailed goals for the future, and live in the only moment of time over which you have any control: now."
- Denis Waitley
Wealth Principle: Thoughts lead to feelings. Feelings lead to actions. Actions lead to results.
The most rewarding way to live is to help and enrich the lives of others. Don't wrinkle yourself and your desires, donated to others and your life will shine with happiness.
Some old ones cant catch up with technologies while some young ones cant catch up with moral values.
 On Batman Movies: Although frm 1 point of view...its just a movie..the ideology is always there..made into movie spreading it to those ill-minded leading to tragedy.

BruceLee on Human:  The human level; my thinking shall remain unchanged forever...
Sometimes excessive "mind over body" can be harmful to e physical body..u must listen to wad ur body tells u carefully.
The determination is the only virtue that takes no account of man-made laws ...My limit is beyond the universe.
Fate and destiny lay beneath the law of attraction..above the law of attraction is the secret to the "preplanned of all future" that is yet to be is not suppose to know what is beyond humans' reach...i have found the answer to all and understand...
We should strive to be self-sufficient, without depending on the external evaluation of others to our happiness. Therefore, it is true that the higher the value we give to things, the less that we give to ourselves. We depend on others anymore since we'll be less self esteem.
If you want to get results, you have to focus on what you want to do it without jumping from one activity to another. Do not surrender, continue to practice.

My willingness to do is the awareness that < < I CAN ACT > >. I just try to be natural, because in my mind, there are no fears or doubts.
The shame is fear of humiliation when it feels less than the estimate of others. 
People often ask me: "Bruce, but you're really that good?!!!".
And I say, "well, if you say you are good, you probably think I'm boasting and if I tell you that they are not, you'll think that Chin". I have the absolute certainty of not being a number two, but I also have enough common sense to realize that there can be no number one.
The fact is that we only use a small percentage of our potential:
■ do not allow yourself to be totally yourself;
■ the company won't let you be totally yourself.
In this world there are many people who are unable to get to the crux of the matter and do nothing but talk intellectually (not emotionally) how would this or that: talks, but did not achieve anything.
Your recognition when it is due: compliments ultimately stimulate greater effort and desire to improve. Be generous with the sincere praise.

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